Iceland, liechtenstein and norway, as well as the united kingdom during the transition period after the uk withdrew from the eu. The european driving licence is a driving licence which replaced the various driving licence styles formerly in use in the member states of the european economic area eea. Driving licence models all valid driving licences in use in the european economic area eea are fully mutually recognised. Eu driving licence mobility and transport european commission. Information on the rights of eu27 citizens in the uk and of uk nationals in the eu27 in the event of a no deal brexit. The provisions of the 3rd eu driving licence directive adopted on 20 december 2006 come into force on 19 january 20. January 20 will see the introduction of a european driving licence as part of the entry into force of the third eu driving licence directive. Questions and answers the rights of eu and uk citizens, as outlined in the withdrawal agreement. Within the eu presently, uk driving licences are governed by the directive of.
Please note that this advice was correct on january 20th 2020, but may. You can drive in your new country on your current licence as long as. The licence is currently issued by all of the eea member states. New rules on driver licensing for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Ten little ways leaving the eu could change your life. After consulting the commission, member states may. Driving licence exchange and recognition in the eu your europe. The directive aims to increase the harmonisation of driver licencing.
On 19 january 20 the european union third directive on driving licences. Eu driving licence information on the eu driving licence and requirements can be found under this website. Eu driving licence a single driving licence for the whole eu the eu has introduced a harmonised licence model and further minimum requirements for obtaining a licence. The european commission directives on driving licenses ec. This includes models of licence that were issued before european legislation on driving licences came into force. This should help to keep unsafe drivers off europes roads wherever they take their driving test. Final report of the international commission on the law.
Find out the requirements for age, medical fitness, theory and practical test. Getting a driving licence in the eu your europe european union. Find out if you need to exchange your driving licence when moving to another eu country. Information on driving through other european countries or buying and selling a car abroad. On the 19th of november 2012, the european commission adopted technical changes to the directive 200612ec on driving licences so as to avoid. For further advice you can contact the driving standards agency by. From 19 january 20 driving licences changed and now look different to.
Driving licence renewal in another eu country your europe. Changes to licence requirements for alternatively fuelled vehicles. Understanding eu drivers hours and working time rules simplified rules for drivers of large goods vehicles and passengercarrying vehicles, including how long you can drive and work, and the. Is your driving licence recognised anywhere in the. Y ou may notice on your driving licence that the uk marker doesnt stand alone in the topleft of your card. The new european driving licence ereg association of. Annex iii of the european union eu directive on driving licences.
New rules on driver licensing for patients with obstructive sleep. European union directive 201485eu on driver licensing in obstructive sleep. Driving a vehicle is a key means by which individuals maintain. Online drivers testing instructions usareur registry of motor vehicles driver s certificate of license training and exam. Understanding eu drivers hours and working time rules. International driving permits and brexit rac drive.
Includes student loans, admissions and apprenticeships. Find practical information on car insurance and whether your driving licence is valid in other eu countries. Final report of the international commission on the. So if you move to another eu country, you wont usually have to exchange your licence. S forces personnel, civilians and family members stationed or scheduled to deploy to europe can take their certificate of license training and exam online at joint knowledge online jko. In addition to your uk driving licence, motorists may also be required to. The eu has introduced a harmonised licence model and further minimum requirements for obtaining a licence. If you move to another eu country and your driving licence expires, you will have to renew it there if that is where you have your normal. Driving licence recognition and validity your europe. Photocard licences were introduced as a result of an eu directive requiring all member.
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